Low-waste minestrone soup

Low-waste minestrone soup
This thrifty recipe uses veggies, herb stalks and odds and ends of pasta for the perfect comforting winter dish
Serves 4  / 
Prep  / 
Cook 40 mins


2 tbsp Coop Irresistible cold pressed rapeseed oil 1 onion, roughly chopped 3 large carrots, roughly chopped 3 celery sticks, roughly chopped 1 large aubergine, roughly chopped 2 large garlic cloves, crushed 400g Coop Italian chopped tomatoes 1.5 litres vegetable stock 15g parmesan, plus rind (optional) 400g Coop red kidney beans 150g mixture leftover odds and ends of dried pasta (including spaghetti) ½ (around 200g) savoy cabbage or seasonal leafy greens, shredded 100g Coop frozen British garden peas 15g mixed fresh herbs like basil and parsley, including the stalks, chopped;


1. Heat the oil in a large pan over a medium heat, then add the onion, carrots and celery 2. Cook for 10 mins to soften, stirring occasionally 3. Add the aubergine and cook for 5 mins followed by the garlic for 1 min 4. Pour in the tomatoes, stock and parmesan rind, if using, and cook on a low heat for 5 mins 5. Add the kidney beans and pasta and simmer for 8-10 mins until the pasta is al dente 6. Stir in the cabbage and peas and cook for the remaining 2 mins 7. Finally, mix in the chopped herbs and serve in bowls with extra basil to garnish, ground black pepper and parmesan